TV girl education achievement 2016


  • 151Teachers: [101 M 50 F] trained on teacher’s role for well-being in schools and equality, equity and non-discrimination as element in roll out of SCOC TOT training in 50 schools. 3 teachers from each of 50 schools were selected to attend. The training was conducted for 7 days. After the training, they went back to their respective schools and applied the knowledge and skills learned in the training to their daily teaching and interaction with children. The teachers trained on SCOC were monitored through classroom lesson observation on the application of school code of conduct and there are satisfactory reports in the project file.
  • 500 Children [250 B 250 G] trained on child resilience programme to increase their resiliency for children in school and in the families.
  • 438 parents [126 M 312 F] whose children were participating in child resilience programme trained on raising awareness about psychosocial wellbeing, problems faced by children in the community and child protection mechanisms in the community. During CRP Parents Focus Group discussion, they admitted that there was no relation between children and parents and of this training, we have improved our social relation with our children. Parents said that they have seen some changes in their children as a result of child resilience training delivered.
  • 24,352 children [14,359 B 9,993 G] regularly attending school enrolment data had been collected in 50 project supported schools in Aweil County.
  • 200 Parents Teacher Association (PTA) members [106 M 94 F] were trained on School’s code of conduct and how to promote equity and equality in the schools in order to give PTA a tool for further monitoring.
  • 200 Social Advocacy Team (SAT) [96 B 104 G] leaders were trained on organization management and leadership for 3 days in 50 schools on clustering schools based on proximity in Aweil East County
  • 200 SAT members [94 B 106 G] that participated in the 3-day training on school code of conduct anti bullying, classroom rules and wellbeing in order to promote equity and equality in the schools.
  • 19 external female mentors were trained on mentoring, communication and coaching skills for 2 days.
  • 27 teachers [24 M & 3 F] were trained for 5 days as Training of Trainers (TOT) for Teacher’s code of conduct (SCOC) with following thematic areas: 1. Teacher code of conduct, 2. Positive discipline and anti -bullying 3. Protection and well-being at school, 4. Incident reporting and referral. From the 27 trained as Trainers, 7 trainers were identified to train 151 teachers on school code of conduct.
  • 151 teachers [101 M 50 F] trained on teacher’s role for well-being in schools and equality, equity and non-discrimination as element in roll out of SCOC TOT training in 50 schools. 3 teachers from each of 50 schools. The training was conducted for 7 days. After the training, they went back to their respective schools and applied the knowledge and skills learned in the training to their daily teaching and interaction with children. The teachers trained on SCOC were monitored through classroom lesson observation on the application of school code of conduct and there are satisfactory reports in the project file. The first-round school classroom lesson observation was done in July in 48 Schools and second round will begin between October and November 2016. The number of participants increased by one person during the training.
  • 50 schools have developed action plans on implementation of school code of conduct in place and being followed up. Teachers have abandoned the use of corporal punishment in favor of positive disciplines.
  • 28 County Education Department staff were trained on refresher workshop on financial management for 3 days in Aweil East, to enable them managed the public fund in relation to good principles of managing public funds.
  • Regular School Inspection visit has been carried out through cluster tutor in 50 project supported schools in Aweil East successfully. The objective of inspection was to find out whether the supported schools are functional in terms of attendance of children, teachers and PTAs. 11 County Education Inspectors and Supervisors were engaged in this activity as part of capacity development support.
  • Baseline assessment of the selected children to establish the status of their psychosocial wellbeing prior to the workshops has been conducted.
  • 500 children [250 B&250 G] have been selected and participating in the Child Resilience program in 5 schools in Aweil East County. 500 children are from 5 schools of child resilience program only. 220 parents whose children are participating in Child Resilience Programme have been trained and as such some parents were not attending the meetings for their own reasons.
  • 12 children’s workshops (2hrs workshop) for each group every week has been conducted in 5 Child Resilience programme schools for cycle 1 & 2. The agenda of discussion was about protection of children from abuse and exploitation. 12 workshops were completed and the attendance is in the project file both in hard and soft.
  • 8 workshops and orientation meetings for parents whose children are participating in child resilience programme have been completed in 5 schools for both cycles.
  • 438 Parents (M=126 & F=312) have been attending the parent meetings regularly for 8 meetings consecutively. The focus of the meeting was introduction of Child Resilience Programme to parents, raising awareness about psychosocial well-being for children, problems solving faced by the children in the community and child protection mechanisms in the community.
  • Consultation meeting was conducted with education authorities, schools, communities and children to identify if and how the element of child resilience programme can be incorporated into other structures beyond the life span of the project. The outcome of the meeting was that the education authorities, schools and communities appreciate ACDF-SS in partnership SCI first for being implemented this beneficial programme in their area, because the programme has positive impact to both children and ourselves as parents. They agreed to continue implementing CRP even though SCI/ACDF-SS ended their funding’s because the facilitators trained will remain within the schools, community and education authorities will use them as resource people incorporating CR Lesson into their teaching.
  • A series of workshops with the facilitators [19M & 1 F] to support them to transfer the skills and activities from Child Resilience into their formal teaching has been conducted for cycle 1 and 2.
  • 24 teachers [22 M & 2 F] trained as workshop facilitators and field coordinators for children’s resilience programme in February 2016. 20 were teachers from selected schools for child resilience program and 4 were staff from the implementing partner who will take the role of being field coordinators in supporting the facilitators in their day to day activities. After the training facilitators went back to their respective schools and started children workshop with a lot of commitment while staff made regular monitoring. Discussion is on-going with state ministry of education to integrate Child resilience component into teaching lessons in the schools. Trained facilitators will remain as resource people in the ministry of education even after the life span of the project and as a result they will continue using CR knowledge and skills they acquired during the implementation of the project in the schools.
  • 28 Local government, parliamentarians and civil society officials were trained on investment in children to realize increased public spending on education in Aweil East County for 3 days.
  • 90% of project activities implemented successfully on time. Different activities have been accomplished at different output level.
  • SCI and SCD have provided technical back up support during the training of trainers and tutors in school code of conduct in February 2016 in Malualkon.
  • SCI and SCD have provided technical support from Child Protection and Child Safeguarding section during identification of the children to benefit from the psychosocial and child resilience trainings. SCD sent a trainer to train participants on child resilience programming while SCI had sent the CSG coordinator to train the implementing partner staffs on CSG policy.

CRG NORAD achievement 2016